Monday, August 10, 2009

Alrighty then...

Thanks to a lovely mother and a GREAT Volvo convertible, more things have been added to the ever-growing suitcase...
REI had great rain pants and SUPER absorbent towels for rain pants-both of which will be put to good use AFTER this trip (always good to have things that can be used AGAIN)
Uwajimaya had my textbook waiting for me and 40some dollars later, I am a few pounds closer to having TSA hate me...
Thanks to my FOUR viewers/followers. Does this mean this is kind of like Twitter?? Am I tweeting?? Hmmm....
Family friends may have webcams my mumzy and I can borrow in order to Skype, so that would save us a Radio Shack trip BUT they do have some snazzy ones...
STILL NEED to hit Simply Seattle/Made in Washington/Chukar Cherries/Portlock for giftastic goodies. AND the grocery store for Rice Crispies...
Oh and there's the haircut that would be nice AND the Space Needle gift store for a WICKED cool t-shirt for my badminton-playing high school senior of a hostbrother.
Happy Monday, y'all!

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